When to replace your walking boots?

Columbia has been at the forefront of manufacturing premium, durable, long-lasting outdoor gear for nearly a century. As in every product we make, our commitment to quality is evident in our range of hiking footwear.

Unfortunately, no matter how well you care for your shoes, they do not last forever. There is also no specific measure of distance or time that determines when your boots need replacing. Occasionally, examining the condition of your boots for signs of wear and tear is the best way to decide if you need new footwear.

Our helpful guide will help you examine three main areas of your footwear for wear and tear: soles and treads, fabric and stitching, and comfort and support. We have even included a tip or two to help you prolong the lifespan of your hiking boots.

Sole and tread

Identifying signs of wear and tear on the soles of your boots can be an indicator that they may need to be replaced. Over time and after many miles of walking or hiking, the soles of shoes will naturally wear down with use. An early sign that the soles are beginning to wear down is if you start to feel pebbles while walking.

Soles that have become worn will not provide the protection needed on uneven terrains. This means you are more likely to slip on rough surfaces, which could lead to injury. Even the boots that feature Columbia’s superb Adapt Trax™ or Omni-GRIP™ are not immune to degradation over time. Check the tread of each pair of boots carefully to ensure you have ample grip to remain safe during your outdoor adventures.

You will also want to check for cracks or tears in the soles of your footwear. Any cracks or tears indicate that you need to replace your shoes since their waterproofing is likely compromised. Any cracks or tears could allow water ingress, resulting in wet feet and blisters while hiking.

Fabric and stitching

If you notice that the fabric, whether leather or synthetic, has become worn or damaged, it may be time to replace your shoes. Many of Columbia’s hiking footwear collections feature waterproof uppers. Once these uppers become frayed or start leaking, it is time to buy a new pair.

Another clear sign that your boots need replacing is broken eyelets. Damaged eyelets make it difficult to tighten your laces properly, leading to painful blisters on your feet.

Comfort and support

Hiking boots aim to provide a comfortable experience for those enjoying the great outdoors. After a good trail hike, you will likely have a few stiff muscles. However, if your footwear begins to cause significant discomfort, it's a clear sign that you will need a new pair soon. Pains in your joints, such as knees or ankles, could indicate that the cushioning of the boot’s midsoles has started to deteriorate.

Tips and tricks

You will inevitably need to replace your hiking boots one day. However, we can offer a few expert tips and tricks to help extend the life of your favourite pair.

Cleaning after use will go a long way to prevent additional wear and tear. If your hike involved your boots getting mud-caked, ensure you rinse them off properly. Failure to do so could result in moisture seeping into your footwear. You should also remove any pebbles stuck in the treads. This will help minimise damage to the soles over time.

Columbia’s range of hiking footwear features industry-leading technologies to ensure the utmost comfort. While it might be tempting to wear your shoes all the time, we recommend only wearing them for what they were designed for: hiking and walking. This will ensure they last longer and do not suffer from daily wear and tear.

Our comprehensive guide will help you determine when it is time for a new pair of walking boots. Find your next pair within Columbia’s extensive range of boots for guaranteed quality and durability.