What’s the difference between synthetic and leather hiking boots?
Columbia has been manufacturing durable and versatile outdoor gear for over 80 years. We have built and maintained our reputation for excellence and expertise. We understand the features required to make superior footwear for outdoor adventures. That’s why you can trust us. You will be confident that the pair you choose will have the quality you have come to expect from Columbia.
Various factors need to be considered when selecting an appropriate hiking boot. It is important to determine the sort of hiking you will engage in and the type of weather you will encounter. Yet, selecting the right material is also key.
You have two material choices: natural and synthetic. Are there any differences between natural materials (like leather and suede) and synthetic materials (like nylon)? There are quite a few differences. These can affect your pick when buying your hiking boots or shoes. Our comprehensive guide contains the differences between both leather and synthetic materials. It also includes expert advice on which are most suitable for your needs.
You can trust that we will provide the highest quality footwear for any outdoor adventure. Columbia guarantees comfort, durability and practicality with every step.
A natural material is artificial. It is any material that stems from plants, animals or the ground. One of the most common natural materials used in footwear is leather. Leather is typically made from tanned or chemically treated cowhide. It is strong and durable and provides plenty of flexibility.
Columbia works alongside the Leather Working Group (LWG). This ensures we remain environmentally responsible. We do this by driving improvements across the global leather supply chain. The LWG works to minimise the environmental impact of leather production.
The use of leather for a hiking boot has several benefits. Leather is naturally waterproof. If your hikes tend to lead you through water-logged trails, consider leather to protect your feet. Since leather is skin, it allows for ventilation. This breathable quality ensures your feet do not get overheated.
Leather is also very durable and long-lasting. Leather boots do not need to be replaced as often. While some leather (like nubuck) tends to be light in weight, most of it is heavier. Are you looking to avoid weariness? Leather boots are usually better suited for hiking or walking shorter distances, but you can also take them on long treks where more protection is needed.
Leather is a very hardy material. Do you plan on hiking on rocky terrain with steep elevation? A leather boot or shoe will provide good support and stability for your ankle.
Need more convincing? Leather offers protection, comfort, and a classic look to your hiking style.
Fabric made from synthetic materials is man-made. Columbia uses many types of synthetic materials. We use nylon, polyester and EVA (Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate, an elastic copolymer like rubber).
Synthetic fabric tends to be more lightweight than their leather counterparts. This makes synthetic boots ideal for long-distance hikes. They are also an excellent option for more technical and sportive hikes.
Polyester and nylon also feature quick-drying properties, which make them perfect for soggy hikes. Columbia also takes great care to ensure that our synthetic materials are waterproof.
Boots made of synthetic materials tend not to stain as easily as leather. Cleaning nylon or polyester is also easier than leather. Artificial materials are not as long-lasting and durable as leather. We recommend that you clean your boots when they need it. This will help extend the lifespan of your boots, regardless of material.
There are pros and cons to both leather and synthetic materials. Many of Columbia’s hiking boots and shoes tend to contain both natural and artificial materials. When you buy a pair of our hiking boots or shoes, the choice is yours for material. If you want, you can have both and enjoy the advantages of leather and synthetic fabrics. Choose leather, synthetic or a combination of both. You can rest assured that Columbia designs each pair of hiking boots or shoes with quality, durability and versatility in mind.
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