Best women's waterproof jacket
Outdoor gear is our expertise here at Columbia, so it should come as no surprise that we also make the best women’s waterproof jacket. But with our wide selection of women’s waterproof jackets with hoods and different colours, how exactly do you determine which one is the best?
Simply speaking, the best waterproof coat is the one that keeps you dry. After all, what’s the point of calling something “waterproof” if water still seeps through anyway? The reality, however, is a bit more complicated than that. Weather is unpredictable, so your waterproofing protection could still be inadequate if it’s in the wrong conditions.
To help you find the right one, we’ll show you how Columbia’s range of waterproofing technology can help you stay dry even in the heaviest downpours. We’ll also discuss other aspects in our jackets that are designed to keep you comfortable, even when nature isn’t cooperating.
Balancing weather with waterproofing
Because the weather is always changing, it’s hard to make a one-size-fits-all solution to waterproofing. Some waterproof outerwear is only designed to handle light showers, while others can withstand extended periods of deluge and heavy rain. Either is good, but only when it’s used according to its purpose. Once you use it for something else, it suddenly becomes “just another jacket.”
That’s why Columbia has developed several waterproofing technologies for our products, all with different levels of “waterproofness.” They come in different colours and designs so you can express your style and personality—even if your adventure takes you up to the mountains. They’re also lightweight, so you know they won’t weigh you down (even when packed) during your trip.
Let’s look at our options in detail.
If you plan to do moderate hiking during light to medium rain or snow, our collection of waterproof outerwear with Omni-Tech™ is perfect for you. They offer multi-layered waterproof protection, and they’re designed with a breathable material that allows excess heat to escape. The result is truly comfortable outerwear that keeps you dry and cool.
Our products feature one of our two types of Omni-Tech™:
Omni-Tech™: As the basis of our waterproofing tech, Omni-Tech™ keeps you dry while keeping you cool and comfortable inside. Jackets with Omni-Tech™ are great for moderate activities during light to medium rain or snow.
Omni-Tech™ 3D: A step-up from our basic Omni-Tech™ offering, Omni-Tech™ 3D focuses on three things simultaneously: waterproofing, breathability, and comfort. Omni-Tech™ 3D is designed for moderate conditions, lined with fabric that lets out excess heat. Our fuzzy inner layer provides excellent next-to-skin comfort. Everything is secured with easy-to-use zips designed to continue your waterproofing protection.
Outdry™ Extreme
When faced with severe climate conditions, Outdry™ Extreme is here to the rescue. With an impenetrable waterproof membrane on the outside, you can push through even when nature doesn’t want you to. Outdry™ Extreme also has excellent wicking and breathability, allowing you to stay comfortable while fighting the elements.
Depending on the product you’re buying, you’ll experience one of our three Outdry™ Extreme technologies:
Outdry™ Extreme: Our products with this technology will keep you dry, even during heavier downpours. Our seam-sealed, no gaps design guarantees zero wet-out, even on hoods, zips, and cuffs.
Outdry™ Extreme Mesh: Worried about regulating your body temperature while wearing an impenetrable waterproof jacket? Outdry™ Extreme Mesh is our most breathable product that doesn’t sacrifice protection from any wet conditions. With enhanced wicking and breathability, you’ll be comfortable all day long, no matter the activity. We’ve also enhanced how the lining feels next to your skin, so you can focus on the task ahead.
Outdry™ Extreme Eco: Made with 100% recycled fabric, Outdry™ Extreme Eco is for our most active, environmentally-conscious friends out there. When buying outerwear featuring this tech, you’ll still enjoy the same external waterproof membrane but with an eco-friendly shell. Our dye-free process helps us use less water so you can proudly show off your style without any harm to the planet.
Ready to explore your options?
Are you ready to explore Columbia’s selection of durable waterproof jackets for women? You’ll find products suitable for drizzle, rain, downpour, or deluge—in colours that perfectly complement your wardrobe.
Make sure you check out our comprehensive guide to waterproof outerwear for women. They’ll give you essential care tips and insights on how our products are made, so you’ll know exactly what goes into creating each one.
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